Summary Reader Response Draft #4

 As mentioned by Kok, (2021) in the article, “Go-Ahead Singapore Carries out 6-months trial of public buses with solar panels”, it stated that the public buses are being equipped with solar panels to charge the batteries rather than relying on fuel to run the engine. It utilizes solar energy to reduce carbon footprint and carbon emission. Kok stated that the panels, weigh less than 20kg, are slender and produce 1,000 watts of power. These are predicted to “save 1400 litres of diesel per bus per year” and it will be cutting 3.7 tons of carbon emissions.

Kok mentioned that these figures are based on data from a similar trial that Go-Ahead has been conducting since 2019 in the United Kingdom, where there are currently 18 buses fitted with these solar panels. It will take a six-month trial in Singapore to assess the performance of the bus, the efficiency of the panels in harnessing solar energy and reducing fuel consumption, and the durability of panels in Singapore’s high temperatures and during frequent washing of the buses. As the weather in Singapore is mostly sunny, the buses, which are equipped with solar panels, are likely to do better. Singapore’s diesel buses have long life expectancy and equipping these buses with solar panels will be more efficient and greener.

In my opinion, solar panels are a source of renewable energy, which is an effort towards sustainability. Once the solar panels are installed on buses and other structure such as buildings or houses, the benefits are that it reduced fuel consumption, decreased carbon emission and is also, cost efficiency.

The first aspect of installing solar panels on buses has is that it reduces fuel consumption. As commented by Deakin, (2020), solar panels have cut costs of fuel by “1500 liters per coach” and reduced carbon emission by 7%.  The article also addresses how battery life can be extended when using solar panels. When the bus engine is off, some of the bus equipment will drain the battery and only recharge when the bus is restarted. However, if solar panels are installed, they will provide a “consistent ‘trickle charge’” which will extend the battery life. Therefore, when the solar panel captures the sun energy to charge these batteries, it reduces strain on the engines’ alternator, which helps the longevity of battery life.

Another aspect of the benefits in installing solar panel is that it decreases carbon emission. As stated by Sustainia, (2019), solar panels can be incorporated on buildings and not just buses in order for this benefit to be accomplished. This article shows that installing solar panels on interchanges and using it to charge buses helps reduce carbon emission as it is able to “recharge 6 buses at the same time” with a “195-kW rooftop PV system”. These solar panels use energy to not only supply back to charge the buses but also contribute it to facility use and back to the nearby city. The roof of the interchange consists of 2000 square meters of solar panels, which also add on to heat insulation during winter period in Shanghai. There are 70 electric buses that are operating from 2013 and are eco-friendly. However, these buses consume battery power up to 220 to 230 kW per hour, which is estimated to travel around 100 to 120 kilometers every day. Thus, installing these solar panels charges these buses using solar energy rather than using fuel-based electricity, which will reduce cost consumption and bring further economic benefits.  

Regarding cost efficiency in installing solar panels, Wait, (2021), mentions that these panels can be fitted on the roof of your house which can reduce the cost of electricity. The us of these solar panels in the system can alternate between the “electricity your solar panels generated” or can consume the National grid electricity if these panels do not generate a certain amount of energy needed to supply to the houses. By installing the panels “you’ll use less electricity from the Grid” and therefore the bills will cost lesser and saves costs. Wait states that over the years the solar panels can compensate the cost of installing solar panels by “15 to 25 years”.

However, solar panels reduce carbon emission and footprint but the manufacturing of solar panels in the factory produces carbon emission. The company Gvec Solar Services, states that while manufacturing this solar panel there is carbon emission produced, but the amount is minimal compared to coal-powered electricity. It takes up to “three years of operation to pay off their carbon debt” which was produced while manufacturing these solar panels. Gvec Solar Services also mentions that the life expectancy of solar panels can last for more than two decades, which means they will be durable long enough to help reduce the production of carbon in the atmosphere. It is vital to understand that these solar panel designs are not a one-size-fits-all solution. There is still a long way to further improve the efficiency and senescence of solar panels. Furthermore, as renewable energy becomes more prevalent in the future, we will improve the manufacturing process of solar panels to not produce any carbon to help better the environment.

In conclusion, solar generated electricity is being harnessed to charge not just buses but can be installed in homes or companies to reduce electricity cost, fuel consumption and it is eco-friendly. Since the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, it is beneficial to install solar panels.











Yufeng, K. (2021, March 30). Go-ahead Singapore rolls out 6-month trial of public buses with soalr panels. The Straits Times.

Tim Deakin. (2020, December 11). Solar Panels for Coach and bus: What are the benefits?. Route ONE.


Sustainia. (2019, March 19). Buses Go Truly Zero Emission With Solar Power’. Global Opportunity Explorer.


How clean Is The Solar Panel Manufacturing Process? How Much Carbon Dioxide Is Produced?’ gvec Solar Services.,of%20coal%2Dpowered%20electricity%20sources.


Rachel,W. (2021, Oct 9). ‘How Solar Power Can Cut Your Bills and Your Carbon Footprint’. Forbes Advisor


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